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A. López Tejada, C. Griñán-Lison, A. González-González, F.E. Cara, J.L. Blaya-Cánovas, A. Navarro, J. Calahorra, J.A. Marchal Corrales and S. Granados Principal,  "Inhibition of TGFß1-activated NDRG1 leds to a reduction of cancer stem cells in triple-negative breast cancer", "Annual Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research", None-None, 2023
M.D. Navarro Hortal, T.Y. Forbes Hernández, J.M. Romero Márquez, L. Rivas García, F. Giampieri-, M. Battino-, R. Del Pino García, J. Llopis González, C. Sánchez-González and J.L. Quiles Morales,  "In vitro and in vivo evaluation of four agroindustrial extracts (strawberry, oleuropein rich olive-leaves, garlic, broccoli) and manuka honey against Alzheimer`s disease", "5th International conference on natural products utilization from plants to pharmacy shelf", None-None, 2023
L. Rivas García, M.D. Navarro Hortal, J.M. Romero Márquez, J. Llopis González, J.L. Quiles Morales and C. Sánchez-González,  "The petals of tagetes erecta, a novel approximation against triple-negative breast cancer", "5th International conference on natural products utilization from plants to pharmacy shelf", None-None, 2023
G.M. López, R. Del Pino García, M.A. Lopez-Bascon, A. Lara-Cambil, A.B. Vigil Chacón and J.L. Quiles Morales,  "Sustainable strategies to increase the content of protein, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins of Tenebrio molitor larvae flours by vegetable waste supplementation.", "The 4th International Electronic Conference on Foods", None-None, 2023
A. Nieto Ruiz, T. Cerdó, B. Jordano, F.J. Torres-Espinola, M. Escudero, M. Garcia Ricobaraza, M.M. Garcia-Bermúdez, J.A. García Santos, A. Suarez Garcia and C. Campoy Campoy,  "MATERNAL OVERWEIGHT AND/OR GESTATIONAL DIABETES DETERMINE EARLY GUT-MICROBIOTA COMPOSITION ASSOCIATING LONG-LASTING EFFECTS IN CHILDREN¿S BEHAVIOUR AT 3.5 YEARS OF LIFE ¿ THE PREOBE STUDY", "ESPGHAN 55th Annual Meeting", None-None, 2023
G.M. López, R. Del Pino García, A. Justicia, C. Delgado-Vicedo and J.L. Quiles Morales,  "Improvement of Tenebrio molitor larvae farming and fatty acids composition by supplementation with vegetable waste.", "The 4th International Electronic Conference on Foods", None-None, 2023
J.L. Quiles Morales, M.D. Navarro Hortal, J.M. Romero Márquez, C. Sánchez-González, J. Llopis González, M.D. Ruiz -Cuesta, L. Rivas García, F.J. Orantes and T.Y. Forbes Hernández,  "La miel de manuka inhibe la neurotoxicidad del peptido ß-amiloide en un modelo de Alzheimer", "XI Congreso Nacional de Apicultura", None-None, 2023
J.M. Romero Márquez, M.D. Navarro Hortal, F. Orantes, C. Sánchez-González, M. Jiménez -Bermúdez, C. Montalban-Hernández, L. Rivas García, T.Y. Forbes Hernández and J.L. Quiles Morales,  "Propiedades antioxidantes y neuroprotectoras de una miel de aguacate proveniente del sur de España.", "XI Congreso Nacional de Apicultura", None-None, 2023

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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